Reading for Pleasure
Reading for Pleasure: Transforming your school's reading culture (TSRC)
Evidence-based leadership CPD for primary English Leads
The TSRC programme is a sustained, research based CPD programme aimed at primary English Leads. During the course of the programme participants will engage deeply with reading for pleasure pedagogy and leadership theory to transform their school’s reading culture. Participants will attend 5 sessions and complete gap tasks in between sessions. Gap tasks will be related to developing participants’ own knowledge of children’s literature, understanding of reading for pleasure pedagogy and developing the reading for pleasure culture in their school. Those who commit will be expected to attend all sessions.
Programme aims:
Understand the research underpinning RfP practice and pedagogy
Widen knowledge of children’s literature
Transform whole school reading culture in your school
Develop the leadership skills to initiate and sustain change
Become advocates for RfP and share experiences and best practice
Session overview:
16th November
Session 1- Reading for Pleasure: a whole school culture
3rd December
Session 2- Creating whole school change
24th January
Session 3- Creating a reading school: structural changes
7th March
Session 4- Creating a reading school: behavioural changes
14th June
Session 5- Celebrating impact and sustaining change
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English Hub Knowledge Schools Trust
West London Free School Primary
Cambridge Grove
Hammersmith, W6 0LB
0203 096 6016