CPD Videos
CPD Videos

Becoming an English Hubs partner school- experience and impact
Mandeville Primary School was a Wave 2 partner school. After a successful partnership they have now graduated from the English Hub programme. Cathy and Nic will be sharing their experiences of working with the Hub and the impact this had – including a ‘Good’ OfSTED in 2021 that praised their practice in early reading
High quality phonics teaching
Katie Press and Tara Dodson are the authors of Essential Letters and Sounds.
Katie is the Director of English for the Knowledge Schools Trust Primaries. Having led phonics across the trust, Katie has supported the trust primaries through three outstanding Ofsted inspections. Tara began working at the Knowledge Schools Trust in 2020 as the English Hub Lead after spending 10 years working within Primary Schools across London.
Emma is the Head of School at Fox Primary School and speaks passionately about the importance of vocabulary. Emma studied English Literature at Cambridge University, before completing her PGCE and Masters of Teaching at the Institute of Education.
Diversity and representation in children's literature
Sarah Smith is a Libraries Development Manager at Brent Council who, in 2020, received a BEM (British Empire Medal) for her services to public libraries. Sarah has worked at Brent Council for 16 years in a role which embraces literacy, learning and culture for all ages. She is a passionate exponent of reading and libraries, with an interest in promoting the representation and celebration of cultural diversity through her work.
The role of the curriculum in early language development
Emma Lennard is an independent primary curriculum advisor, working with schools across the country. She began working with the Knowledge Schools Trust in 2013, as they opened their first primary school. Emma has supported the trust to develop their Primary Knowledge Curriculum; writing curriculum content, developing CPD for teachers and delivering training. Emma previously worked with the Westminster based think-tank, Civitas, developing the Core Knowledge UK curriculum. Emma has spoken at a variety of education conferences and teacher training events. She has supported DfE panels on qualification reform and Early Years. Before completing a PGCE with the Primary Catholic Partnership in Southampton and then teaching in central London, Emma studied International Relations at the University of Exeter.
Building a Vocabulary-Rich Environment
We recently held a CPD session with Alex Pethick, Curriculum Director for the Knowledge Schools Trust. We were inundated with requests to join the event, and were so inspired by the session, we are delighted to be able to make this recording available to anyone who would like to watch.
* Find out how to develop a vocabulary rich teaching environment.
* An in-depth exploration into the importance of vocabulary and how, with effective teaching strategies, we can ensure that the 'word gap' is being closed within our classrooms.
* We'll explore research and teaching techniques that you will be able to take directly back into the classroom.
The Art of Storytelling -lifting the characters off the page.
Developing a love of reading through bringing stories to life, oral storytelling skills and puppetry to support storytelling. This exciting and engaging storyteller has worked at Natural History Museum, V&A and London Maritime museum after a career as a puppeteer. Specifically aimed at EYFS/KS1.
Judy Preece has worked in films and TV (The Muppets, Little Shop of Horrors and Labyrinth), now a renowned storyteller she has devised her own unique way of combining puppetry and storytelling to share aspects of the Science National Curriculum whilst in residence at the Natural History Museum.
Judy will share a variety of storytelling skills both with and without puppets and delve deeper into how we bring a story to life!
English Hub Knowledge Schools Trust
West London Free School Primary
Cambridge Grove
Hammersmith, W6 0LB
0203 096 6016